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Monday, December 31, 2007

Bring love back in our lives

Indian flag with the State Emblem behind it.

In 2007 we have seen love loosing to hate, peace loosing to violence. We should stop and ponder. Are we going to allow this to continue or we should do something to reverse the trend?

If we want that in year 2008, love should emerge victorious over hate and peace over violence then we need to bring love back in to our lives. My friends wonder where the love has gone. I wonder too. Has love really gone out of our lives or it is still there within our hearts but has been covered by greed which brought hate and violence to the front? Whatever is the situaion we should re-discover love. Without love we cease to be human beings.

Every year people make new resolutions. I also do. Last year I made a resolution to develop positive attitude towards life and people. I succeeded to some extent. I continue with this resolution for year 2008 also.

This year I make a new resolution to bring love back in our lives. Let love be victorious on hate. Let peace be victorious on violence.

I have many wishes too (list is very long. Here are some):

No deaths under blue line buses.

No killings of senior citizens.

No child abuse.

No violence against women.

No road rage.

No police brutality on innocent citizens.

No expolitation of and discrimination against any citizen.

No terror killings.

No photos of ministers on public ads.


Happy New Year Wish your friends/family/near and dear ones a Happy New Year with these warm and cute ecards.[ 30 cards ]

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

We call him Father of Nation but .....

Today is 2nd October, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. We call him Father of Indian Nation.

But the nation we have built after independence is not the nation of his dreams.

If he was alive today, he will refuse to be referred to as father of this nation.

Betterlife Happenings

Let us know what his dream was:

"I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country,

in whose making they have an effective voice, an India in which there shall be

no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live

in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability,

or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men.

We shall be at peace with all the rest of the world. This is the India of my dreams."

Now, can anybody tell me whether we have built the India of Gandhi's dream?

Do we see any part of his dream has been realized in today's India?

Why we insult him and his memory by calling him father of this nation?

Let us stop humiliating him on his birthday everty year.

By the way, today is also the birthday of Lal Bahadur Shastri, the most simple
and able Prime Ministyer of India. For Indian Nation he is a forgetten hero.

Forgetten Hero of India

Betterlife Happenings

Today, I searched and searched but could not find any mention of his name in 40 pages of Times of India. His name is Lal Bahadur Shastri and he was the third Prime Minister of independent India and a significant figure in the Indian Independence Movement. After seeing no mention of his name, I thought that I should write a blogpost in his memory and express my gratitude on his role in my nation's destiny.

Lal Bahadur was born in the year 1904 in Ramnagar, Varanasi, UP as Lal Bahadur Srivastava. His father Sharada Prasad was a poor school teacher, who later became a clerk in the Revenue Office at Allahabad. His father died when he was 18 months old. His mother raised him. A poor, simple anf honest person joined Ganghi's movement and was imprisoned. After independence, he became Prime Minister of India after Nehru died.

On his becming PM he stated - "There comes a time in the life of every nation when it stands at the cross-roads of history and must choose which way to go. But for us there need be no difficulty or hesitation, no looking to right or left. Our way is straight and clear – the building up of a socialist democracy at home with freedom and prosperity for all, and the maintenance of world peace and friendship with all nations".

On the confrontation in Kutch with Pakistan, Shastri stated in Parliament - "In the utilization of our limited resources, we have always given primacy to plans and projects for economic development. It would, therefore, be obvious for anyone who is prepared to look at things objectively that India can have no possible interest in provoking border incidents or in building up an atmosphere of strife... In these circumstances, the duty of Government is quite clear and this duty will be discharged fully and effectively... We would prefer to live in poverty for as long as necessary but we shall not allow our freedom to be subverted".

In a broadcast to the nation on the day the of ceasefire with Pakistan, Shastri stated - "While the conflict between the armed forces of the two countries has come to an end, the more important thing for the United Nations and all those who stand for peace is to bring to an end the deeper conflict... How can this be brought about? In our view, the only answer lies in peaceful coexistence. India has stood for the principle of coexistence and championed it all over the world. Peaceful coexistence is possible among nations no matter how deep the differences between them, how far apart they are in their political and economic systems, no matter how intense the issues that divide them".

After the declaration of ceasefire, Shastri and Pakistani President attended a summit in Tashkent (former USSR, now in modern Uzbekistan). On January 10, 1966, Shastri and Khan signed the Tashkent Declaration. The next day Shastri died of a heart attack. He is the only Indian Prime Minister, and indeed probably one of the few heads of governmemt, to have died in office overseas. Some conspiracy theories allege his death to be of unnatural causes.

All his lifetime, Shastri was known for honesty and humility. His quotes:

  • Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" ("Hail the soldier, Hail the farmer")
  • "If one person gives up one meal in a day, some other person gets his only meal of the day", spoken during the food crisis to encourage people to evenly distribute food.
  • "Perhaps due to my being small in size and soft of tongue, people are apt to believe that I am not able to be very firm. Though not physically strong, I think I am internally not so weak.

Is that why Indian nation has forgetten him, even on his birthday.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Punishing truth in the country of Satyamev Jayate

Can the truth be a statement of contempt? Indian judiciary says Yes. Recently an Indian court has sentenced journalists for publishing, what they say is truth, against a retired judge. Court rejected their submission that truth can not be held in contempt of the court. This judgment has evoked a sharp response from many legal luminaries.

I am not a legal luminary, but I also feel that truth can not be seen in contempt of anybody, including judiciary. Truth is God. Can God be held in contempt?

ges I wonder what has inspired the learned judges to pass such a judgment. Do they feel that judges are above the law written down in the constitution, and even the law of God, that truth always wins?

Monday, September 03, 2007

Where love has gone?

In the blind race to be materially successful, human race has left love behind. Sons are killing their parents. Brothers are killing brothers. Wives kill husbands and husbands kill wives. Friends kill friends. Even people unknown to each other, meeting for the first time, kill each other without any valid reason.

Where love has gone? Why people are full of hate? These are the questions which disturbs me. I try to find the answer but it is not found.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Is Indian media colour blind?

Newspapers are full of news about corruption, violence, conflict. TV channels also focus on such news only. Is Indian media not able to find good news or good things have stopped happening in India? Whenever I look at news I feel disturbed. It is difficult for me to believe that good people are not there and good things are not happening. Then why media shows only bad things?

What do you feel friends?

Appeasement is another form of communalism

Communalism is strong devotion to the interests of one's own minority or ethnic group rather than those of society as a whole. Appeasement is yielding or concede to the belligerent demands of a minority or a ethnic group in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles. If you think deeper you will find that communalism and appeasement are two sides of the same coin.

Political parties claim themselves to be secular but in fact they all are communal. Every single political party divides people on religious grounds and project themselves as the only messiah for divided groups. This is going on from British days. After India got independence, new political rulers decided that this policy should comntinue.

People should see and protect themselves from this divide and rule policy (Indian version). But then people are a divided lot.

Displaying open loyalty to other countries

Like during freedom struggle against British rule, Indo-China war, the Indian communists have again been exposed for their loyalty towards other countries. This time it is Indo-US nuclear deal. Left parties are openly working as agents of communist China. It is unfortunate that UPA Govt in its bid to remain in power is dragging its feet on nuclear deal under pressure of these Chinese Dalals.

For Sonia Gandhi it may not be a big deal but Manmohan Singh and other congress leaders are Indians, and they are loyalty-bound with Indian interests. BJP and other non-UPA parties are also behaving in unindian manner.

People of India, in majority, want Govt to go ahead with nuclear deal. UPA Govt should respect this wish of the people.

What do you feel friends?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Conflict between Government and People

I feel hurt at increasing conflict between the people and the government. On no issue Indian people and their representatives seem to have convergence of views. In our childhood, we were taught that democratic form of government is of the people, for the people and by the people. But reality is altogether different. Now people only elect their representatives for governing the affairs of the nation, and after this their relevance ends. They become relevant only at the time of next election.

There is no governance. What we see today is nothing but a crude rule of few representatives over the majority. No action taken by the government goes well with the majority of people. Be it the 'office-of-profit' bill, Indo-US nuclear deal, amendment to RTI Act, continuance of reservation and extending it to new sectors, a conflict is seen in expectations of the people and approach of the government. People have to come out on the streets to force the government to think and act their way.

How can a society develop in this conflicting environment?

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